Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reading on the Lawn at City Hall

Today about 300 of us marched from Pershing Square to City Hall to protest the cuts in city services to children. I volunteered to read to kids on the lawn at the end of the march. Sounded like it would be fun, but it turned out to be freezing cold and a bit drizzly. Here you can see I cajoled at least a few kids into reading Bark, George! by Jules Feiffer with me.

Earth Day Storytime

For our Earth Day storytime today we read a few favorites, The Imaginary Garden by Andrew Larsen, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, and 10 Things I Can Do to Help My World by Melanie Walsh. I dragged out the imaginary garden we painted back in September and each of the kids planted a small succulent, adding to our imaginary garden with some real live plants.